Enum AutoCompleteType
The AutomCompleteType
is a string-associated enum of
browser-supported autocomplete attribute values.
Namespace: Radzen.Blazor
Assembly: Radzen.Blazor.dll
public enum AutoCompleteType : int
This class lists the autocomplete attirbute options allowing developers to provide the browser with guidance on how to pre-populate the form fields. It is a class rather than a simpler enum to associate each option with the string the browser expects. For more information please review the list of options (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/autocomplete) and the spec (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill).
Name | Description |
AdditionalName | The middle name. |
AddressLevel1 | The city or locality. |
AddressLevel2 | The state, province, prefecture, or region. |
AddressLevel3 | The zip code or postal code. |
AddressLevel4 | The country name. |
AddressLine1 | The line 1 of a street address. For example, "1234 Main Street". |
AddressLine2 | The line 2 of a street address. For example, "Apartment 123". |
AddressLine3 | The line 3 of a street address. For example, "c/o Jane Doe". |
Bday | A birth date, as a full date. |
BdayDay | The day of the month of a birth date. |
BdayMonth | The month of the year of a birth date. |
BdayYear | The year of a birth date. |
CcAdditionalName | The middle name as printed on or associated with a payment instrument such as a credit card. |
CcCsc | The security code for your payment method, such as the CVV code. |
CcExp | A payment method expiration date, typically in the form "MM/YY" or "MM/YYYY". |
CcExpMonth | A payment method expiration month, typically in numeric form (MM). |
CcExpYear | A payment method expiration year, typically in numeric form (YYYY). |
CcFamilyName | The family (or "last") name as printed on or associated with a payment instrument such as a credit card. |
CcGivenName | The given (or "first") name as printed on or associated with a payment instrument such as a credit card. |
CcName | The full name as printed on or associated with a payment instrument such as a credit card. |
CcNumber | A credit card number or other number identifying a payment method, such as an account number. |
CcType | The type of payment instrument, such as "Visa", "Master Card", "Checking", or "Savings". |
Country | The country code. |
CountryName | The country name. |
CurrentPassword | A current password. When filling in an existing password. |
The email address. |
FamilyName | The family (or "last") name. |
FirstName | Firs name. |
GivenName | The given (or "first") name. |
HonorificPrefix | The prefix or title, such as "Mrs.", "Mr.", "Miss", "Ms.", "Dr." etc. |
HonorificSuffix | The suffix, such as "Jr.", "B.Sc.", "PhD.", "MBASW", etc. |
Impp | A URL for an instant messaging protocol endpoint, such as "xmpp:username@example.net". |
Language | The language in which the transaction was completed. Use the relevant BCP 47 language tag. |
LastName | Last name. |
MiddleName | Middle name. |
Name | The field expects the value to be a person's full name. |
NewPassword | A new password. When creating a new account or changing passwords. |
Nickname | The nickname or handle. |
Off | Autocomplete is disabled. |
On | Autocomplete is enabled. The browser chooses what values to suggest. |
OneTimeCode | A one-time code used for verifying user identity. |
Organization | A company, business, or organization name. |
OrganizationTitle | A job title, or the title a person has within an organization, such as "Senior Technical Writer", "President", or "Assistant Troop Leader". |
Photo | The URL of an image representing the person, company, or contact information given in the other fields in the form. |
PostalCode | The postal code. |
Province | Province. |
Sex | A gender identity (such as "Female", "Fa'afafine", "Hijra", "Male", "Nonbinary"), as freeform text without newlines. |
State | State. |
StreetAddress | A street address. Use multiple address lines when more space is needed. |
Tel | A full telephone number, including the country code. |
TelAreaCode | The area code, with any country-internal prefix applied if appropriate. |
TelCountryCode | A country code, such as "1" for the United States, Canada, and other areas in North America and parts of the Caribbean. |
TelExtension | The extension number, if applicable. |
TelLocal | The phone number without the country or area code. |
TelNational | The entire phone number without the country code component, including a country-internal prefix. |
TransactionAmount | The amount, in the currency specified by the transaction currency attribute, of the transaction completed. |
TransactionCurrency | The currency in which the transaction was completed. Use the ISO 4217 currency codes, such as "USD" for the US dollar. |
Url | A URL, such as a home page or company website address as appropriate given the context of the other fields in the form. |
Username | The username or account name. |
ZipCode | Zip code. |